Search Domain Name Sales 5 million sales totaling $2.6 billion.

Membership Tiers

Save 50% or More with Yearly Memberships!

Number of Results Per Search

Searches by guest users are limited to 10 results per search. If you register for a free account and verify your email, we'll increase your results to 25 per search. However, if you sign up for a paid membership you can increase that number to 100, 500 or even 2,500 results per search!

Search Sale History in Bulk

Do you have a list of domains you're considering buying, either from scanning drop lists, a portfolio sale, or brainstorming hand regs? Stop typing them one-by-one into our site to see if they have sold before! With a paid membership you can check all of the domains in seconds instead of hours.

Saved Searches

We'll email you on a daily or weekly basis as new sales occur that match your saved searches, consolidated into a single email. You can also choose not to receive the emails, and just use this as a list of shortcuts to your favorite searches instead of filling out all of the filters.

Featured Listing Discounts

Paying members receive discounts on Featured Listing orders, from 10% off all the way up to 50% off. Promoting your auctions is crucial to achieving the best price. If you frequently auction off domains this benefit alone can pay for your membership!

Search Sales Under $100

One of the most frequent requests we get is to search sales under $100. This can be useful for spotting brand new trends before they hit the mainstream, such as domains from years past. Domainer or Business members can now easily search sales under $100 and stay ahead of the pack!

(Please note that these sales are not included in the home page search or saved searches, and they do not have details pages. They are kept in a separate database and have a separate search form. We do not keyword parse, categorize, or collect search volume data on sales below $100.)

Export Your Search Results

Tired of copying and pasting search results into Excel to analyze the sales further? Domainer and Business members can now export the results of any search and download them as a CSV file. You are only limited by the number of Bulk Searches you have available.

NameBio API

The NameBio API includes the Comps, CheckDomain, DailySales, TopSales, and KeywordStats endpoints. Check out the API Documentation for more details. Now you can automate the data collection that is so important to your business.